🌟Let's Live Childhood Again...🚀

Seeing children playing and laughing, every person smiles😃 at least once. The feeling while observing the innocent children is very soothing. Sometimes we feel to get our childhood back and this is possible by following some little and interesting tips.👍

🏸Play games with children

We often visit park with children and get busy in our gossip, letting the children play themselves. Instead we should play with them, the games we used to play in our childhood. In this way, you can feel your childhood again and your children will also have more fun.

😍Talk in childish tone

Children, talking in their sweet and childish way, look adorable. Sometimes, we should talk to children like them, trying to be cutish like them. You can also make remember your friends and cousins how they used to talk in their childhood by copying them, refreshing old memories.

😌Sleep without worries of anything

Have you seen a sleeping kid? How peacefully he sleeps, not having the worries of the next moment. You can learn this skill of calmly sleeping from the little kids.

🫠Keep the things messy

In our busy schedule, following our responsibilities, we start getting comfortable only in organized space. We take stress over oraganising things too much. But sometimes we can relax ourselves by looking and enjoying the messy rooms or workplaces. What if one day some tasks remain unfinished. We can skip some tasks a few times, like we used to remain our homework😅 uncomplete in our childhood.

In these simple ways, anyone can live childhood again. This can also increase your productivity✨. If you stayed till here, I am truly thankful to you and would like to conclude with a poetry which I wrote in my childhood.

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